
BELIEVE: week eighteen: Offering My Time

“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

The clock is no respecter of persons. Even single humans who has ever lived on the earth has exactly 168 hours a week. And most of us find that after spending time sleeping, working, eating, and commuting, there just isn’t much left over. So when someone requests a piece of your time, you can feel tension in your gut.

God, however, doesn’t want just a piece of your time; he wants it all. Yikes! Now, he is not asking you to go without sleep, quit your job, or stop eating. He is asking for a total shift in attitude. As you do the things you need to do, want to do, and are compelled to do because of your faith, offer it up to God in a way that pleases him.

You see, the time God wants to offer him doesn’t have to be spent only sitting in church or serving in a ministry. If you are peeling a potato, peel it in excellence for God. If you are holding a baby, hold that baby for God, offering the child love and the warmth of a caring heart. If you run into a friend in the store, offer that conversation up to God and see what a difference it might make.

What are you going to do next? Offer it up to God.

"I offer my time to fulfill God's Purposes."

[Excerpt from Believe: 31-Day Devotional by Randy & Roxanne Frazee, pgs. 39-40.]